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Our Physiotherapists combine their orthopaedic physiotherapy foundation with their pelvic physiotherapy skills. This allows for a whole body physiotherapy experience often incorporating multiple different treatment strategies and using techniques like: external joint and tissue mobilisation, internal tissue mobilisation and release, exercise prescription for both external and internal muscle systems, modalities like ultrasounds, TENS, acupuncture and most importantly patient education.
The art of yoga works hand in hand with pelvic physiotherapy. In yoga we can become aware of our pelvic floor and learn to specifically relax through breath and strengthen through appropriate contraction. Yoga classes at Guelph Women’s Health Associates are developed in collaboration with physiotherapy to address the common challenges that women bring forth when suffering from pelvic floor conditions.
Occupational Therapy
Illness, disability, pain or significant life transitions can disrupt your ability to engage in the life roles, activities, and relationships that are important to you. Occupational Therapists are trained to merge your lived experience with the best available evidence in order to help you find creative ways to navigate these challenges, manage symptoms, optimize function, and find a life balance that works for you.
Who would benefit from an OT on their pelvic health care team?
If you are struggling with incontinence, urgency/frequency, pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, and/or pain that is disrupting your mental health and your capacity to live your life, Occupational Therapy would be a fantastic member of your team.
Care plans provided by OT are unique to you and your goals. Modalities include:
1. Trauma-informed care
2. Exploring behavioural strategies, lifestyle factors and habits to support your pelvic health
3. Exploring your sensory processing preferences to support nervous system regulation
4. Rehabilitative exercises
5. Ergonomic assessment & functional movement
6. Activity pacing and graded exposure to triggering activities
7. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
8. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Mindful Nutrition and Wellbeing
Mindfulness is the simple act of noticing, without judgement, your thoughts, body sensations and emotions in the moment. A mindful approach to eating can help us better connect to body sensations of hunger, fullness, cravings and emotion. With a better connection to our body, we can naturally find the right quantity and combination of food to support our own unique needs.
Mindful Nutrition can help reduce overeating, improve digestion, satisfy cravings and help us feel energized to perform at our best each day. In addition, understanding our thought patterns related to food can provide important insights into our relationship with food and how that may drive our daily habits. For example; someone who is trying to follow a diet may believe they have to be strict and self-critical in order to be successful. Research has shown that a more compassionate and mindful approach to eating increases body satisfaction, reduces disordered eating and helps to maintain a healthy weight over the long term. Another name fir this is Intuitive Eating.
Intuitive eating allows you to eat what you want, when you want, in quantities that satisfy your hunger, while fully enjoying the experience of eating without feeling guilt or shame.
Melissa George is offering Private Pilates sessions that are tailored to your unique needs, whether you're building strength, improving mobility, or refining movement patterns.
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